To generate your vehicle history report you will need to locate the vehicles Vehicle Identification Number, commonly abbreviated as VIN. This is a unique 17 digit number assigned by the automaker as a unique identifier of any car made after 1980. The vehicle VIN serves as the vehicle serial number and may contain both letters and numbers.
You may use the Vehicles VIN number to run a vehicle history checks and uncover valuable detail about the vehicle's past such as accidents, theft history, title brands, insurance claims, car specifications and much more...
Vehicle identification Number (VIN) can be found on the title document, the vehicle registration, and on the insurance policy. You should also be able to locate your VIN in multiple locations on the vehicle itself. Most commonly the VIN is displayed on the driver's side dashboard and can easily be viewed from outside the vehicle windshield. One of the other common places where the VIN can be located is on the vehicles driver's side doorjamb.

Start Searching
Visit and enter your VIN in the upper search field and click on the "Lookup VIN" button.
Review Preliminary Search Results
Once we are done searching our preliminary database you will see a page with your vehicle information. You may access your full vehicle history report or specific details about the vehicle by selecting from the various options listed on the preliminary results page.
Access Full Report
If you are not currently registered as a VinCheckUp member, by selecting vehicle history details on the preliminary page you will be directed to the Register Page. To view full results you will need to register by providing your personal information.
Register & Access Your Report
After the successful completion of the register process, your member account login will be auto generated and displayed on the "Thank You" page. Prior to clicking on the "Continue To View Report" button, please be sure to save your login information for future reference. Once you click on the "Continue To View Report" button, you will be directed to view your report within the member's page. Your Vehicle History Report will also be emailed to the email address that you have used during the registration process.
Our primary goal is our customer's satisfaction so if you are having trouble with our reports or member services we want to hear from you and help you. Please visit the Support page link found on the upper right hand side of your member's page.