American Ironhorse VIN Decoder & VIN Lookup

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American Ironhorse was a prominent manufacturer of custom motorcycles, known for their unique chopper style designs and powerful engines. Established in 1995, the company quickly gained a reputation for producing some of the most desirable custom choppers in the United States. Among their popular models were the Texas Chopper and the LSC (Lone Star Chopper), both of which featured the unique blend of power, craftsmanship and distinctive aesthetics. 

We have assembled a list of American Ironhorse VIN numbers to assist in distinguishing each motorcycle by year, model, options and other pertinent information. Using the American Ironhorse VIN check you can gain a wealth of information on the pre-owned motorcycle you may be interested in purchasing. A full Vehicle history report may help in determining current vehicle condition, value and should help in assessing future performance and overall reliability.

The list of different American IronHorse motorcycle models below will allow you to see all American IronHorse motorcycle models available. Each motorcycle manufacturer has its own list of various models along with details, information pertaining to that specific motorcycle make model and images when available. The motorcycle models are listed in alphabetical order. For more information about a specific motorcycle you may be researching simply choose the model name then proceed to the details page.